Saturday, June 30, 2007

We are a proletarian organization who believes in Marxism. We beleive in proletarian internationalism, although our main arena of practical activities is India. Our assessment is that India is no more a semi-feudal semi-colonial country; that at present it is a backward capitalist country. Therefore India will not pass through a two-stage revolution, it will advance through single-stage Socialist Revolution. The Socialist Revolution in India will remove whatever feudal remnants exist and it will also free India from the grip of Imperialism. At present India is a multinational country that is politicaly free (within the imperialist framework), but economicaly dependent.
The strategy of the Indian revolution expressed as a formula is:

Aim of revolution: End of the capitalist production system plus freedom from Imperialist exploitation.
Main enemy of the revolution: Indian monopoly bourgeoisie and Imperialists behind them.
Main fighting force of the revolution: Proletariat of the organized and unorganized sector, rural proletariat, rural and urban semi-proletariat, under the leadership of the industrial proletariat.
Immediate Reserve of revolution: Small Peasants.

Vacillating ally: Middle peasants and other petty-bourgeoisie.

Direction of main blow: To establish social democracy by overthrowing bourgeoisie dictatorship.

By-products of revolution: Completion of unfinished tasks of democratic revolution and end of all forms of pre-capitalist exploitation and oppression.

Path: Power capture in present day India can not take place through a long drawn protracted peoples' war alone. It requires a swift and decisive insurrection by the revolutionary classes.